The clubs annual general meeting was held on the 30th September 2019 with forty members present. All the outgoing officers gave a report to the meeting, the acting secretary John Brady said that he would not be going forward for election and the meeting thanked him for stepping into the breech when the club was unable to appoint a secretary.
Ron Corry chaired the meeting for the election of officers. The officers elected were as follows:
- President: Pat Mc Govern
- Chairperson: Liam D’Arcy
- Vice Chairperson: Peter Lynch
- Secretary/Membership Secretary: Garry Mc Guigan
- Assistant Secretary: Shaun Corrigan
- Treasurer: Patrick Mc Govern
- Assistant Treasurer: Brian Kennedy
- PRO: Peter Reilly
- Regalia Secretary: Denis Wright
- Rally Secretary: Bernie Mc Gauran